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FinanceAsia - Finding The Next Opportunity

Macau bets on switch from gaming to GBA tourism hub

Macau bets on switch from gaming to GBA tourism hub

China investment banking fees hit by 33% drop in H1

China investment banking fees hit by 33% drop in H1

Nomura's Patrick Kwan leaves amid Asia leadership reshuffle

Nomura's Patrick Kwan leaves amid Asia leadership reshuffle

Landmark Hong Kong case sees three jailed for market manipulation

Landmark Hong Kong case sees three jailed for market manipulation

Citi appoints new head of financing, markets in Asia

Citi appoints new head of financing, markets in Asia

HSBC names Georges Elhedery as successor to Noel Quinn

HSBC names Georges Elhedery as successor to Noel Quinn
Promoted Content

Raising the sustainability bar: how NWS is leading by example

Putting index strategies at the heart of asset allocation

Banking on innovation: setting new standards in Mongolia

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CLP Power completes first HK corporate Kangaroo bond issuance

CLP Power completes first HK corporate Kangaroo bond issuance
Editor's Pick

Clifford Capital’s CEO on scaling infrastructure debt financing

Clifford Capital’s CEO on scaling infrastructure debt financing
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