On March 2, FinanceAsia will launch its new CorporateTreasury News site and weekly email dedicated to informing Asia's treasurers, CFOs and executives about what they need to know about the latest trends in corporate treasury.
CorporateTreasury News is a whole new offering. The site was developed after we recognised a gap in authoritative news coverage directed at Asia's treasurers and will integrate our existing cash management and trade finance daily coverage with new content. The CorporateTreasury Weekly e-newsletter will deliver news and views to subscribers' inboxes on a wide range of topics every Tuesday, including cash management, trade finance, people moves, new mandates, FX, risk management, technology and many others. In every newsletter we will profile a different finance executive and include stories on how treasurers can improve visibility over and control of their cash.
The dedicated site will be part of the re-launched and re-branded FinanceAsia.com and tap directly into the treasury needs of the region's companies across a diverse range of industries. To stay ahead of the treasury game, sign up now to receive this free newsletter.