Five ESG trends to make sustainability count

As ESG comes under an ever-brighter spotlight by investors, corporates, regulators, bankers and other stakeholders, Rong Ren Goh of Eastspring Investments tells FinanceAsia why it is essential to address challenges such as data and transparency to drive outperformance in Asia.

The onset of Covid-19 triggered a new focus on environmental, social and governance ESG dynamics that doesn’t look like shifting.

Numerous surveys and research reports indicate this trajectory too, especially in Asia. For instance, Morningstar reported a record $5 billion in inflows to sustainable funds in the region for the fourth quarter of 2020, boosting total ESG assets at year-end to $25.4 billion up 131% over the past 12 months. The data showed that sustainable funds offered to mainland Chinese investors accounted for $3.9 billion, or 77% of the total, followed by South Korea, India and Taiwan. Meanwhile, Moody’s Investors Service had previously predicted the market for sustainable bonds would...

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