Frank Sixt, group finance director at Hutchison Whampoa, was named capital markets person of the year for 2009 at FinanceAsia's annual Achievement Awards gala dinner on February 4.
Sixt has been with Hutchison since 1991 when he joined as an executive director and has been group finance director since 1998, overseeing the finances of what is arguably one of Hong Kong's most influential companies -- with five core businesses and operations in 54 countries. He is also chairman of TOM Group and sits on the board of several other companies within the Cheung Kong group, including Cheung Kong (Holdings) itself.
In 2009 he steered Hutchison through three bond issues, two senior debt buybacks and one exchange offer, using part of the money raised from the former to pay for the latter.
He also helped Hutchison Telecom International to spin off its mobile businesses in Hong Kong and Macau for a separate listing on the Hong Kong exchange, paving the way for a proposed privatisation of HTIL by Hutchison that was announced last month and which is ongoing right now.