
More than 1600 attendees of FinanceAsia and AsianInvestor events in 2009

See the full list of more than 1600 finance professionals who attended our conferences across Asia Pacific in 2009.

In 2009, demand for investor education was alive and well. In spite of the global recession and turbulent economic times, our nine 2009 conferences attracted more than 1600 attendees.

2009 speakers included Abhisit Vejjajiva, Prime Minister of Thailand, Hae Choon Park, President and CEO, National Pension Services (Korea), Dr Marc Faber, Editor & Publisher Gloom Boom & Doom Report , and Edward I. Altman, Max L. Heine, Professor of Finance, NYU.

 Click to see the full list of attendees and photos from our Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, Manila, Bangkok, Taipei and Seoul conferences.

For more information, contact Chris Petersen, Head of Conferences AsianInvestor / FinanceAsia

Tel: +852 3175 1961

Email: [email protected]

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.
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