A long time ago in a Wall Street far, far, away: A rogue group of management consultants have persuaded the galaxy's senior bankers that it is not enough to simply be an investment bank. The venerable Dick Whiteshoe, Chairman of the house of Morgan is deceived by a vision - it is a benign vision in which clients pay for not just IPO advice, and M&A advisory, but also open internet broking accounts, and use the firm's credit cards. The millennium has dawned and the house of Morgan - independent since ancient times - announces it will merge with Witter, famed throughout the universe for its Explorer credit card.
Unbenownst to all, a dark power has risen to the top of Witter. He lies in wait, his eyes smouldering, looking for the opportune moment to wage war with the ibankers. He hates this elite cadre who are trained in the ancient Morgan Code of client coverage. Foremost among the ibankers is the one called Mack, a veteran of the Mandate Wars, and he who is strongest among the Morgan in the client Code. Mack has no need of Powerpoints or mathematical valuation models. He is imbued with the Code, and is able to look clients in the eyes and just talk. The Code is strong in this one - so much so that clients can never say no. He is worshipped by the ibankers of Morgan.
Closing shot: Whiteshoe, Purcell and Mack shake hands in front of cameras. Mack smiles, blind to the dangers.
Episode Two: The Clone Bankers
The venerable Whiteshoe announces he will go to the Hamptons and enter a post-client relationship with his clients. The market laments his retirement from the Code and wonders: who will be his successor? At first, the hopes of the universe seem safe, with Mack using his devotion to the Code to woo the Counsel of Morgan. But Purcell has steadily, built an army of credit card clones, loyal to his every command. They have infiltrated every corner of Morgan Witter's universe, set up spreadsheets, worked out loss parameters and persuaded the market that their product distribution capabilities in the lucrative galaxy of Ohio are the answer to all the firm's problems.
The ibankers are preoccupied and only rise up when word reaches their country club that Mack is losing. They arrive on the battlefield just as the Counsel of Morgan has made its decision. The all-powerful Counsel tells them to get in their Maseratis and go home.
Closing shot: a new logo is launched by Purcell that symbolizes the new balance in the Morgan universe. There is general clapping as he is annointed Chairman, CEO, and Emperor.
Episode Three: The Return of the Wrap Account
The doors open into the imperial splendour of Purcell's corner office. The camera pans in as ibanker after ibanker walks to the desk and pledges allegiance to the Emperor. Meanwhile, on a golf course in the galaxy of North Carolina, Mack is ambushed by a division of clones who deliver his severance documents, and tell him his desk has been cleared. They tell him the Code is dead, a relic of the past. He holds them in his cool stare - the Code emanating from his every fibre - but he is overwhelmed by the clones' greater number. Too much it is.
The market remains silent on this dark day, numbed by the prospect of recurring income streams and Morgan's more balanced financial services portfolio.
And thus is Mack banished to a far off galaxy called Switzerland.
The collapse of the old order is complete. The elite cadre of Morgan ibankers are broken and the Monoline Era begins. The Emperor orders everyone to open a wrap account and tells the firm that the ancient Morgan Code is now outlawed. He begins to talk of future mergers. He envisages a dark universe where his credit cards conquer each and every galaxy with 24.5% interest APR.
Meanwhile, in a setback for the Code, the galaxy of Switzerland revolts when Mack attempts to replicate the ancient ways. Indeed, after the Zurichians reject the Code, he announces his departure. All seems lost.
Closing scene: Mack launches his hedge fund into outer space, narrowly outrunning a clone destroyer starship.
Episode Four: Ego Wars
The Emperor has begun construction of a giant financial conglomerate capable of destroying any competitor that stands in its way. Anyone who complains about loss of shareholder value finds that their throats constrict and they are soon unemployed.
The Emperor looks all-powerful, but beneath his seeming invincibility, a group of rebel ibankers breaks away in search of Mack. They know the Code is not dead and wish to return the house of Morgan to its ancient ways.
The Emperor sends out drones to crush the rebel alliance, but finds that his forces are divided when Yoda Spitzer emerges and attacks Wall Street with the Code. Spitzer first obliterates the analyst community, and in doing so reminds the universe that clients' interests must come first.
Mack and the rebel alliance prove a formidable force. A rebel high command of eight former Morgan ibankers send letters to the newspapers, espousing the ways of the Code and exposing the dark era that has engulfed Morgan. They complain that the Emperor is killing the house of Morgan through his destruction of the Code. The rebellion only grows as the Emperor fires more ibankers.
Closing scene: Rebel firepower is unleashed on Purcell's empire. The whole house of Morgan is at war.
Episode Five: The Empire swipes back
The Emperor cannot be underestimated. In spite of the rebel alliance's attacks in distant star systems, and the havoc being wreaked on the house of Morgan's once impenetrable franchise, the Emperor remains determined to crush them and their Code. He has consolidated his power by loading the Counsel of Morgan with the Lords of Yes. These elite clones will answer any question with Yes except "Will you fire Purcell?" which they answer with a vindication of the peace that the Emperor has brought to the universe.
The pressure builds as the rebel alliance produces data showing the damage done to Morgan shareholders by the Emperor. Fresh defections provide more troops for the rebel cause.
The Emperor is surprised by the resurgence of the Code and its renewed power. He responds with a tactical diversion that leaves the rebel alliance momentarily stunned. He announces to the universe that he will spin off the credit card division - all but admitting that his costly vision of a financial Deathstar was a mistake.
The rebel alliance fall back to their bases in the galaxy of Connecticut and consult their PR advisors.
Closing scene: Mack stares at a distant galaxy and bides his time.
Episode Six: The Revenge of the Mack
The Empire continues to get battered on all sides. Clients stop returning phone calls. Emperor Purcell becomes increasingly distant and will only talk to the Lords of Yes, and leaves through the back entrance. He stops reading newspapers and watching television.
One day he gets in his Gulfstream and says he is never coming back. Even the ewok cleaning ladies celebrate, as a mood of liberation fills the house of Morgan. The Lords of Yes know that the Monoline Era has ended and invite the leaders of the rebel alliance into the boardroom.
The Lords of Yes say yes to the return of the Code and the rebel movement announces peace. The ibankers begin giving out their eggshell white business cards again. They demand the return of Mack as Lord Protector of the Code.
Headhunters begin collecting resumes from distant galaxys, and a Silesian destroyer is sent to find Mack. He returns and walks into the boardroom in triumph. There is loud applause as the Lords of Yes beg him to restore the ancient Code to Morgan and bring harmony to the universe. Because the Code is strong in him, he agrees.
Closing scene: A happy tableau of long dead Morgan bankers sit on a log next to Mack. Harmony and cheering surrounds Mack, who is already planning a marketing trip to the distant galaxy of Beijing...