The tech conference will take place between the 17th and 19th of September, and Mae will play at the outdoor gala party which will be held on the roof of Ocean Terminal on Hong Kong's Kowloon-side.
Mae, who first came to prominence playing Bach waste-deep in water on a tropical beach at the age of 16, is one of Singapore's most famous daughters, and has now released several platinum albums. Her latest album 'Subject to Change' involves the violinist playing lively pop-fusion and also, for the first time singing.
She is sure to be the highlight of the tech conference, given how downbeat the markets are right now.
What is not known is whether she has composed a special original work called 'Temasek' in honour of Goldman. She previously helped to compose an original piece to commemorate the handover of Hong Kong to China, so she has a good working knowledge of highly political situations.
Goldman's tech conference was held in Bali last year, and traditionally is always held at the same time as CSFB's tech conference.
Last year, CSFB's tech conference, or rather its party was the talk of Hong Kong, thanks to the fact that it was full of latex painted naked lovely ladies. This year its conference will be held in Hong Kong between September 10-12.
Goldman's party will be the second pop-babe bash of the year in Hong Kong. CLSA brought in the Corrs for its party earlier this year, and did its best to pump-prime the Hong Kong economy with a lavish extravaganza.
Goldman will hope to outdo both CSFB and CLSA with its party this year, and after the Singapore-debacle is obviously taking the line that no matter how much bad press the firm has got in recent days, 'the show must go on', as they say.