Rate fears to boost Asian currency debt appeal Asian local currency debt will look more appealing as US Treasury yields rise and investors' risk appetite grows. August 11, 2014
Bernanke and the Asian debt sell-off Who's afraid of Ben Bernanke? Hints of Fed tapering sparked a sell-off in emerging market bonds, but most of the outflow came from mutual funds. October 09, 2013
Multi-dimension portfolio diversification with Asian local currency bonds State Street Global Advisors discusses how Asian fixed income investments offer efficient returns relative to risk. State Street Global Advisors
Domestic bond markets set to boom As China rebalances its reserves away from dollars, Jerome Booth, head of research at asset manager Ashmore, predicts a boom in local currency bond markets. March 05, 2012
Temasek sells S$1 billion of 10-year bonds The Singapore dollar-denominated transaction is well received by insurance companies in particular, despite pricing at a tight spread. February 08, 2010